We were called in to carry out refinishing of this oiled two strip oak floor, it did look worse for wear as dirt had gotten into the soft grain of the wood.
We had to carry out this project in two halves’, our clients managed to remove most off the furniture but was unable to move the piano and sofa. We split the room in to two half’s, it is still possible to achieve a uniform finish, but it does add extra time on the project as we had to wait for one side to dry completely before we started the other side.
Our sanding process with this was 60 grit at a slight angle, the floor was uneven in places but the trio soon sorted this out. The edges where spun from 60 to 100grit. The trio was used up to 100 grit with mesh discs, when oiling an oak floor we believe that this is the correct grit to end on to allow the oil to penetrate

We trowled on the Loba 2k impact oil, this allows the right amount off oil to lay within the wood itself, after we trowled the oil into the floor we allowed the oil to penetrate for around an hour, after this we buffed the excess oil into the floor and wiped the sides down with a cloth.
Loba 2k impact oil is 100% soilds and solvent free, it is a 1 coat system meaning you can get back on your floors quicker, it leaves such a natural look to the floor and enhances the grain to leave an amazing floor.

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